Beginnings and Ends
It's an unwritten male tradition to listen to ol' Sinatra tunes during the xmas holidays.I suspect every one of us would like to listen to "It was a very good year" and "My Way" and check whether he feels like this one year it was written just for him.
Never Happens :-)
It was not a year of victories.But it was, more than any year I can remember, a year of balance.Nobody wins, nobody is clearly defeated, none retreats.Exit Saddam, but exit Rumsfeld as well.Everyone is counting their losses,and everything balances.
On the personal level, the same pattern appears.What appeared to be an average year up till September, culminated in a roller-coaster ride that left me completely trasnformed, while still absolutely the same.
For those hating cryptic remarks (myself included), this means that the grand events of my life this year served as the wake-up calls that make one want to become the most of what he can become.
A beloved presence left forever(and I mean the bad kind of "forever").An already beloved presence entered (for what looks like the good kind of "forever").Exits and Entries.Scars and medals of honour.Everything Balances.
A toast to the 007 Year.
And the growing army of new entries thanks to friendly couples who take reproducing the species somewhat more seriously than me :-)
Never Happens :-)
It was not a year of victories.But it was, more than any year I can remember, a year of balance.Nobody wins, nobody is clearly defeated, none retreats.Exit Saddam, but exit Rumsfeld as well.Everyone is counting their losses,and everything balances.
On the personal level, the same pattern appears.What appeared to be an average year up till September, culminated in a roller-coaster ride that left me completely trasnformed, while still absolutely the same.
For those hating cryptic remarks (myself included), this means that the grand events of my life this year served as the wake-up calls that make one want to become the most of what he can become.
A beloved presence left forever(and I mean the bad kind of "forever").An already beloved presence entered (for what looks like the good kind of "forever").Exits and Entries.Scars and medals of honour.Everything Balances.
A toast to the 007 Year.
And the growing army of new entries thanks to friendly couples who take reproducing the species somewhat more seriously than me :-)