Sunday, October 29, 2006

The Devil is on the Details

The "Comics Reporter" reports on the legal aftermath of the "Muhammed cartoons" controversy.You can find in several of my old posts (February 2005 is the place to dig) where I stand on this subject, but that doesn't stop me from agreeing all the way with the last paragraph of the report.

Monday, October 23, 2006

"Based on a True Story"

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Bone With The Wind

As I may have said before, I keep my links list short in order to show how much I value each person (or organization) featured there.
So I don't really have to look for adjectives to describe my imemnse (there we go!) pleasure for the good news that: Jeff Smith's landmark series "Bone" is being published in the Greek language by "Jemma Press", and b):the creator himself will be here in person, for the "Babel" comics festival which will exchibit his original artwork.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Provlita 2006: the pics

Some random pics from the succesfully completed "Provlita 2006" festival:

Friday, October 06, 2006

Magic Fingers

The "Provlita" excibition opening, held a genuine surprise:A Dorit Chrysler concert.
Musician,composer, and one mean Theremin player, Dorit is also a global citizen if I ever saw one.Born in Austria and currently Located in the Big Apple,Dorit is travelling all over the world performing in a diverse variety of events.Any attempt to describe her performance cannot do her enough credit, so I'll suggest instead that you check her schedule and see if she will perform anywhere near you in the future.
(Oh,fuck...what a dry and boring is the proper version: Dorit is a Lady with capital "L",smart and witty and open minded,goddamn sexy even in a plain pair of jeans,(and no doubt even dressed in garbage bags), and graced with a voice that sends shivers down your spine even when she sais "coud you pass me the salt,please?".There.That's a bit more accurate).

24 Hours Comics Day

Tomorrow is the worldwide "24hour comics day".What is this?It's "an international celebration of comics creation. Cartoonists all over take the challenge of trying to create a 24 page comic story in 24 straight hours".This year,a hosted event is organized in Greece.I'll be there.