Hey, Trendy Boy!
Yeah, I'm talking to you.
You, who, while the planet is ablaze, your only concern is to download your "Lost" episodes and whether the new "Superman" scored high enough in your hip-o-meter.
I hate you.
Actually, I don't.
I envy you.
I wish I was like that, safe in a sweet pink bubble of little nothings.
There is a war going on, you know.It has been going on for most of the last century, flickering on and off in distant countries where the people are so miserable they must look to you like Klingons or something.
To make a long story short, they are miserable so that you can be happy.
Are you to blame for this? Well, my nerd friend, here is where you and I are alike: we are to blame by doing nothing about it.And here is where I am worse than you, because I should and I don't.I am mostly pretty words, comfy in my free press and my micrsoft windows telling people what is "right" and what is "wrong".Having the luxury of time while searching for a new moral compass to guide me through a new landscape, while the simple truth is that merely by inaction we both allow the circumstances to grow to the point that we won't have the benefit of dilemmas.
We will be forced to take arms, your sweet bubble will burst, my cherished safety will crumble, you might become a hero because you don't know any better than to obey orders and go with the norm, and I might be lebelled a coward because I won't die so that a few can become super rich.
But your sweet bubble will burst.And the irony is that all this war, (a class war above all) is taking place so that you can retain that same bubble intact.
Stop me when I start sounding like an old fart.
Oh, all right...sorry...
You, who, while the planet is ablaze, your only concern is to download your "Lost" episodes and whether the new "Superman" scored high enough in your hip-o-meter.
I hate you.
Actually, I don't.
I envy you.
I wish I was like that, safe in a sweet pink bubble of little nothings.
There is a war going on, you know.It has been going on for most of the last century, flickering on and off in distant countries where the people are so miserable they must look to you like Klingons or something.
To make a long story short, they are miserable so that you can be happy.
Are you to blame for this? Well, my nerd friend, here is where you and I are alike: we are to blame by doing nothing about it.And here is where I am worse than you, because I should and I don't.I am mostly pretty words, comfy in my free press and my micrsoft windows telling people what is "right" and what is "wrong".Having the luxury of time while searching for a new moral compass to guide me through a new landscape, while the simple truth is that merely by inaction we both allow the circumstances to grow to the point that we won't have the benefit of dilemmas.
We will be forced to take arms, your sweet bubble will burst, my cherished safety will crumble, you might become a hero because you don't know any better than to obey orders and go with the norm, and I might be lebelled a coward because I won't die so that a few can become super rich.
But your sweet bubble will burst.And the irony is that all this war, (a class war above all) is taking place so that you can retain that same bubble intact.
Stop me when I start sounding like an old fart.
Oh, all right...sorry...