Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Peace restored


Anonymous Anonymous said...


2:25 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Personally I don't like it --nevertheless, your cartoon was praised 'on air' by the local speech broadcaster of ANT1 Radio earlier today... ;)

5:29 pm  
Blogger Spi_Der said...

Making you feel like a noble prince among ignorant peasants, i 'm sure ;) :p

p.s. Cartoonists will be there to pest you for a whole week in November.I'll let you know in advance so you can run for the hills.

5:43 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Macabre humour is not my cup of tea, especially when it's badly drawn ;P

As for the cartoonist-symposium,
your name was not listed on the newspaper article regarding the conference, but you'll be happy to know I'll be more than glad to accomodate you for the week :)

1:32 am  
Blogger Spi_Der said...

Thank you, but i think i 'll take the official accomodation.When i have a choice, i prefer the people with manners.

2:20 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...that, or you just like your towels with hotel initials ^-^

7:35 am  
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5:39 am  

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